Counseling Department

School Counseling  at Woodland includes: classroom guidance lessons, small group work, and individual counseling. Guidance curriculum is taught by the school counselors, in coordination with classroom teachers, and outside agencies such as: NCADA, Junior Achievement, C.A.P.P.S., Learning for Life, The Little Bit Foundation. Small group work at our schools takes the form of Conflict Mediation, group meetings, and small groups of students with a specific need to be addressed.  Individual counseling is offered for crisis situations, specific individual situations, and as needs arise. For on-going or long-term needs - resources and referrals are available from the counselor.

Jennings School District will be utilizing a universal Social Emotional Program across the district called RIpple Effects for the 2023-2024 school year. 

The school counselors also works closely with Special School District staff and classroom teachers to help access and ensure that students with special needs are getting their needs addressed.  The school counselors set up and chair the STUDENT INTERVENTION TEAM or SIT process. Referrals to the SIT team can be made by either a staff member or a parent. The counselors assists staff members, parents and students work through the process of referral to Special School District as needed.

The school counselors coordinates district wide, building level testing at Woodland. District wide, building testing that your child will be taking includes:  IReady, Galileo , and the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP testing).

Special Education
Family Resources
Family Resources
Character Building
Character Building
Character Building


Trevor Michelson
